A Sweet Smell Can Make your day!

As you are about to run out the door, to grab your Hot Cappacino before work, you suddenly make a wild dash back into the house, to dab your favorite perfume on your pulse points! As you enter into the crowded shop, heads turn and noses inhale as you pass by….one friendly person asks, “what are you wearing”? You smile a friendly grin outwardly, and a large satisfying smile, inwardly…once again, the smell of, Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent, has gave your day a boost….

1980 Kenner American Greetings Corp Strawberry Shortcake Doll

This is the similar feeling the young ladies got in the 1980’s, when they recieved a brand new Strawberry Shortcake Doll. After opening the box frantically and taking a satisfying sniff, the wonderful smell of Strawberries kept you smiling every time!

So, yes, get you something that smells good and get that smile on your face…it could be a new perfume….or a Strawberry Shortcake Doll!

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